1 September 2023

The winners of the hackathon in the Youth Program of the Bank of Russia’s FINOPOLIS.365 have been declared. Over the course of three days, more than 50 teams took part in the hackathon. Presenting the winners: The “Inflation” team won in the “Payment Services and Technologies” track. The “Digital Adapter” case presented by Center-invest Commercial Bank PJSC. The “Mrs. Gis” team came first in the “Open API” track. The “DigiAsset” case by Center-invest CB PJSC. The “CoffeeFace” team emerged victorious in the “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” track. The “Prompting-Service” case was presented by the Association for the Development of Financial Technologies. The “It’s All About the Digits” team vanquished its competitors in the “Blockchain Technology and Digital Financial Assets” track. “Digital Barter” case from the Association for the Development of Financial Technologies. The “ReConnect” team won in the “Biometric Identification and Authorization” track. The “Transfers and Service Delivery with Facial Identification” case from Tinkoff Bank JSC. Over the next few days, we’ll announce even more teams with the best projects. Along with the winners, they’ll take part in the prototyping stage and get the chance to present their projects at the FINOPOLIS exhibition.

Contact information

Participation and partnership queries:
Location of the event:

Russian Federation, Krasnodar region, Sirius Federal Territory, Olympic Ave., 1.