
FINOPOLIS 2021/22 Final Video
Plenary Discussion 1: Digital Development. How Do We Keep the Pace?
Section 1: Digitalization of Banking: What's Next?
Section 2: Life in the Rhythm of Instant Payments
Section 3: Microfinance Organizations in the New Digital Reality
Section 5: Cybersecurity: Sky Is the Limit?
Round Table Discussion in Partnership with VTB Bank: Forecasting: from the Book of Changes to Al & ML
Master class in Partnership with Atomyze: Digital Financial Assets
Plenary Discussion 2: Digital Surfing: Wave upon Wave
Section 6: The Unified Biometric System Reloaded
Section 7: Open Finance & Open Data: Freedom of Choice
Section 8: Artificial Intelligence and Real Life
Section 9: Digitalization and the Climate Agenda
Section 10: Quantum Effect
Session in Partnership with Payment System “Mir”: Global Integration? New Payments Reality
Round Table Discussion in Partnership with Moscow Exchange: Developing Digital Services for Investors: Challenges and Drivers
Section 11: Reskilling Revolution: Hard Skills vs Soft Skills
Section 12: DeFi: a Parallel Universe
Section 13: Digital Inclusion
Section 14: Bank: a Service, a Client, a Platform
Round Table Discussion in Partnership with QIWI and RSMB Corporation: Big Fintech for Small Business
Round Table Discussion in Partnership with the Fintech Association: Stronger Together
Round Table Discussion in Partnership with VK and CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW: The Impact of a Customer Experience in Business: Barriers and Opportunities
Round Table Discussion in Partnership with Kommersant: Web 3.0: from Art to Fintech
Seminar in Partnership with Sravni: How Do Financial Marketplaces Monetize Their Activities and How Can They Help Banks?
Section 15: State of Ecosystems: Lull, Pivot or a Redivision of the Market?
Section 16: Non-bank Payment Service Providers: at Home among Strangers
Section 17: Digital Audit
Round Table Discussion in Partnership with the All-Russian Insurance Association: Future Ins: Transformation of Insurance Services in the Digital Era
Section 18: Is Digital Mortgage Viable?
Round Table Discussion in Partnership with Positive Technologies: Building Trust in New Technologies
Round Table Discussion in Partnership with Promsvyazbank: Corporate Lending: A Digital Rethinking
Workshop in Partnership with MTS: How Do We Get a Better Conversion When Onboarding Customers?
Workshop in Partnership with Rubytech: A Corporate Digital Platform. How to continue technology-led development in the present conditions? Approaches, recommendations, examples
Plenary Discussion 3: Digital Ruble and the Development of Digital Financial Assets
Plenary Discussion 4: Technologies of the Future
Round-table discussion of the Bank of Russia report: Development of the Digital Asset Market in the Russian Federation


On partnership issues: