1. General provisions.

1.1. Accreditation of representatives of the mass media (hereinafter referred to as the “Media”) and the blogosphere to the Forum of Innovative Financial Technologies (hereinafter referred to as “FINOPOLIS”) is carried out in order to provide the necessary conditions for professional activities in the preparation and dissemination of complete and reliable information about FINOPOLIS events.

1.2. When carrying out professional activities, representatives of the media and the blogosphere are obliged to respect the rights and legitimate interests of FINOPOLIS participants and officials and comply with generally recognized ethical standards.

1.3. The number of media and blogosphere representatives who can take part in FINOPOLIS is limited: the organizers strive to provide press staff and bloggers with the most comfortable working conditions and quick access to all necessary resources in the conditions of significant interest in the event and taking into account the limited infrastructural capabilities of the event site.

1.4. The FINOPOLIS Organizing Committee may increase the quota upon the official request of the media if there is a reasoned justification for such a need.

2. Accreditation of the media and blogosphere representatives.

2.1. Accreditation procedure.

Registration applications for participation in FINOPOLIS can be submitted by both Russian and foreign representatives of the media and blogosphere, while:

Russian media must be registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (hereinafter referred to as Roskomnadzor).

Foreign media representatives:

Representatives of the blogosphere must provide links to their blogs in their application for accreditation.

2.2. Procedure for submitting and considering an application for accreditation.

Representatives of the media and blogosphere who wish to take part in covering FINOPOLIS events must submit an application in the “Registration” section (hereinafter referred to as the “Application”) through the official FINOPOLIS website (

In the application, all fields must be filled out.

The deadline for submitting applications through the official FINOPOLIS website is by October 1, 2024.

The application consideration period is from 10 calendar days.

Accreditation of the media and blogosphere representatives is valid all days of FINOPOLIS.

2.3. Procedure for issuing accreditation badges

Representatives of the media and blogosphere obtain accreditation badges subject to approval of the registration application by the FINOPOLIS Organizing Committee. Accreditation badges are issued at the FINOPOLIS site at accreditation points. Information about the location and operating hours of accreditation points is available on the official FINOPOLIS website.

Accreditation badges can only be issued if the following conditions are met:

Additional documents that organizers may request:

The badge is personal and cannot be transferred to third parties during FINOPOLIS operation. The badge must be worn in a visible place throughout all times spent on the FINOPOLIS site.

Any other accreditation cards are not valid for entry to the FINOPOLIS site.

If an accreditation badge is lost or stolen, a representative of the media or blogosphere must immediately report this to the official at any information desk. A lost badge will be blocked. Based on a written application, a duplicate will be issued.

2.4. Rules for access to FINOPOLIS events.

Accreditation of the media and blogosphere representatives is required in order to work at all FINOPOLIS events.

3. Refusal of accreditation.

The FINOPOLIS Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse accreditation without giving reasons.

4. Rights and obligations of the media and blogosphere representatives accredited to FINOPOLIS.

4.1. A media and blogosphere representative accredited to FINOPOLIS has the right to:

4.2. A media and blogosphere representative accredited to FINOPOLIS is obliged to:

when using official information and quoting statements from FINOPOLIS participants, follow the FINOPOLIS Reference Policy, namely: finished materials must contain a reference to FINOPOLIS and the source of the information received, as well as a link to the official FINOPOLIS website ( in case of electronic media; introduction of any changes, additions or distortions to the copied (quoted) information is not permitted.


On partnership issues:

Sirius University, Krasnodar region, federal territory Sirius,
urban-type settlement Sirius, Olimpiyskiy Avenue, 1